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Michael Grinder – Associate Professor, Washington University – USA National Director of NLP in Education: 

“The courses of study have furthered Andrea´s innate abilities to consult and present groups and organizations. Her abilities have not only increased but have created a framework by which she can increase other´s abilities. Being able to raise the level of professionalism of others is the highest form of leadership possible. In summary, whether it is in a business or an education setting, Andrea is well trained and skilled. Andrea is uniquely qualified because of her sensitivity and understanding of cultures and international communication and her ability to business or educational organization. I am proud to have been part of Andrea Rohmert´s ascendance of leadership and consultancy. Additionally, I am now the benefactor of her wisdom as she has advised me and provided meaningful feedback to me.” 

M. Grinder, Director NLP in Education

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Andrea Rohmert
Tel: +49 170 672 099 6
D-65817 Eppstein / bei Frankfurt a.M., Hessen
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Ihr erfolgreicher Partner für Conscious Leadership, verantwortungs­bewusste Teamkultur und innovative Kommunikation.
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